Health Record Requirements | Methodist College - Peoria, IL

Health Records

Upon admission into Methodist College, all students are required to provide documentation of required health records for each program of study. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain updated records and/or renewals of immunizations, as well as CPR certification.

Failure to complete and provide documentation of the required health records will result in a registration hold and/or the immediate removal from all courses.

Methodist College Health Records Flyer

Viewpoint Screening 

Viewpoint is a required online database service that stores and tracks all required records in one place! This helps you access records at any time in the future should you need them for employment or continuing education. 

  1. Create your account! 
  2. Visit
  3. Click “Start Your Order”
  4. Choose Package: Health Sciences, Nursing, or Social Work
  5. Complete Applicant Information and Payment
  6. Log In and Submit documents!

Nursing and Health Sciences Viewpoint Instructions 
Social Work Viewpoint Instructions  

Health Records Required by the State of Illinois  

All newly admitted and re-admitted students to Methodist College are required to provide proof of immunity of the following: 

  • Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR) 
    • two doses. 
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap)
    • post 18th birthday
    • within the last ten years. 
    • renewed every ten years. 
  • Meningococcal
    • those born after 1995
    • administered on or after 16th birthday


Health Records Required by Methodist College 

The following are required by Methodist College and Carle Health: 

  • Hepatitis B (HBV)
    • three doses
  • Varicella 
    • two doses, titer, or had the disease
  • Seasonal Influenza Vaccine 
  • Due Nov 1 annually
  • Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) Background Check
  • Fingerprint Background Check
    • conducted at New Student Orientation. Fee Required
  • TB: 2-Step (4-visit) tuberculin skin test 
    • within 6 months of first semester start, followed by an annual 1-step or annual negative QuantiFERON Gold Blood Test
  • COVID-19: highly recommended but not required


Health Records Required by Programs 
The following are additional requirements per program. Health record requirements are subject to change due to state, federal, and clinical location requirements. 


  • Urine Drug Screen: Cocaine, Amphetamines (AMP & MET), PCP, MDMA/MDA and Opiates. Fee required.
  • Hepatitis B titer OR declination of titer. Declination form must be completed by every student, including those with a titer.
  • CPR: Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers via the American Heart Association. Online courses will not be accepted unless they are accompanied by a hands-on portion RQI Program available on campus. *Speak with your clinical director for more info*

Health Sciences: 

  • Urine Drug Screen: Cocaine, Amphetamines (AMP & MET), PCP, MDMA/MDA and Opiates. Fee required.
  • Hepatitis B titer OR declination of titer. Declination form must be completed by every student, including those with a titer.

Social Work: 

  • Hepatitis B titer OR declination of titer. Declination form must be completed by every student, including those with a titer.


Read the Methodist College Catalog for more information. 


Health Record Exemptions 

Students can request an exemption from required immunization(s) or health record(s) for the following reasons: 

  • Exemption due to a medical condition
  • Exemption due to religious beliefs


Students requesting an exemption must complete the Health Record Exemption Form and provide documentation. The form and documentation submitted will be reviewed and verified within two business days of receipt. 


For medical exemptions: the form must be completed and submitted with documentation from a healthcare provider verifying the immunization(s) cannot be administered due to health reasons. 
For religious exemptions: the form must be completed and submitted with a signed statement detailing the student's objection to the immunization(s) on religious grounds. The objection must set forth the specific religious belief that conflicts with the immunization(s). The religious objection may be personal and need not be directed by the tenets of an established religious organization. General philosophical or moral reluctance to allow immunizations will not provide a sufficient basis for an exemption. 
Per Carle Health requirements, students who are granted an exemption may be required to mask during clinicals and/or complete titers for the exempted immunization(s). If the titer reveals a non-immune result the student must either receive the vaccination or complete a declination form. If a non-immune, non-vaccinated student is exposed to a disease, the student is required to sit out of their clinical/internship for the duration of the disease's incubation period. 

Exemption Form: 

Complete information on Methodist College Health Records requirements are fully outlined in the Methodist College Catalog and Graduate Catalog. 

Health Records Compliance 

It is each student's responsibility to verify they are compliant with the health record policy and up to date with all immunizations and clinical/internship requirements. 
Failure to remain compliant with the health records policy will result in the following: registration hold, immediate removal from classes, and/or inability to attend clinical/internship. Students who are dropped from their courses will only be able to add classes up to the add/drop dates as stated in the Academic Calendar and only once they become compliant with all health records requirements. 

Health Record Renewals: 

  • Annual Flu Shot Due Nov 1 of each year
  • Annual TB one-step or blood test
  • BLS CPR renewal every two years
  • TDAP every 10 years 

CastleBranch or Viewpoint 

All students must upload their renewal documentation to CastleBranch or Viewpoint. CastleBranch is available to assist with any errors: (888) 723-4263. The health record team is not able to upload any documents. CastleBranch | Screening and Clinical Experience Solutions 

Any student who has registered with CastleBranch is not required to register with Viewpoint. However, students are allow to sign up and transfer documents to Viewpoint for an easier renewal processMethodist College - Student Screening - Viewpoint Screening  


Health Record Exemptions 

Students can request an exemption from required immunization(s) or health record(s) for the following reasons: 

  • Exemption due to a medical condition
  • Exemption due to religious beliefs


Students requesting an exemption must complete the Health Record Exemption Form and provide documentation. The form and documentation submitted will be reviewed and verified within two business days of receipt. 


For medical exemptions: the form must be completed and submitted with documentation from a healthcare provider verifying the immunization(s) cannot be administered due to health reasons. 
For religious exemptions: the form must be completed and submitted with a signed statement detailing the student's objection to the immunization(s) on religious grounds. The objection must set forth the specific religious belief that conflicts with the immunization(s). The religious objection may be personal and need not be directed by the tenets of an established religious organization. General philosophical or moral reluctance to allow immunizations will not provide a sufficient basis for an exemption. 
Per Carle Health requirements, students who are granted an exemption may be required to mask during clinicals and/or complete titers for the exempted immunization(s). If the titer reveals a non-immune result the student must either receive the vaccination or complete a declination form. If a non-immune, non-vaccinated student is exposed to a disease, the student is required to sit out of their clinical/internship for the duration of the disease's incubation period. 

Exemption Form: 

Complete information on Methodist College Health Records requirements are fully outlined in the Methodist College Catalog and Graduate Catalog.