National Tutoring Week - October 1 - 5

The Methodist College tutors are an integral part of the academic support services offered at Methodist College. October 1st-5th is National Tutoring Week. Please join us in celebrating and recognizing our tutors and supplemental instruction leaders here at Methodist College. 

Research supports the great work that tutors do every day. According to a qualitative study conducted at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, “Tutors can provide the scaffolding needed to bridge gaps in learning from weak preparation or an absence from school by adult students. The value of tutoring is increased because individualized attention assists these students to succeed academically. An individualized approach such as tutoring not only supports students where they are in their learning, but nurtures them to level the playing field” (Dvorak, 2001, p. 42). 

Find out more information about National Tutoring Week and learn about Methodist College tutoring and other services provided by the Center for Student Success.

Thank you for your support of our tutors and SI leaders!