Master of Science in Nursing | Nurse Educator | Methodist College

Master of Science in Nursing - Nurse Educator Program at Methodist College

MSN - Nurse Educator Program Overview

The Master of Science in Nursing degree program, Nurse Educator track, is a 35 credit hour program of study. The curriculum is designed to accommodate the working nurse who desires an advanced degree in nursing. Students are admitted in fall and spring semesters and may be able to complete the program in six consecutive semesters, including summer terms, by taking 6-7 credit hours per semester. The program of study must be completed in five years as measured by the first semester of enrollment through degree completion. The degree program also prepares the graduate to pursue a doctoral degree.

Ready to get started? Request more information about our Master of Science in Nursing - Prelicensure program, visit campus, or apply today!

How You'll Benefit from an MSN - Nurse Educator:

The program prepares both Academic Nurse Educators and Clinical Nurse Educators. Academic Nurse Educators are found in institutions of higher learning as faculty in nursing programs. Clinical Nurse Educators are found in hospitals and other healthcare agencies and focus on educating consumers of health care as well as providing staff education.

  • Garner skills you can use right away.
  • Advance into a more fulfilling position
  • Prepare for doctoral-level studies.
  • Broaden your career options to include academia or healthcare organizations

Learn more about the admissions requirements for the Master of Science in Nursing - Nurse Educator program at Methodist College. 

Courses and Credit Hours for the MSN - Nurse Educator Program

 MSN Foundational Courses MSN Nurse Educator
N5303 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing 3cr N5901 Advanced Health Assessment For the Nurse Educator 3cr
N6302 Informatics Nursing Practice and Nursing Education 2cr N5903 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics For the Nurse Educator 3cr
N6303 Roles, Issues, and Public Health Policy 3cr N5902 Advanced Pathophysiology For the Nurse Educator 3cr
N6313 Leading Change in Healthcare 3cr N6413 Curriculum Development, Instructional Design for the Nurse Educator 3cr
N6323 Evidence Based Practice 3cr N6901 Professional Dimensions of the Nurse Educator 1cr
N6333 Statistical Analysis in Clinical Research and Nursing Practice 3cr N6412 Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning for the Nurse Educator 2cr
N6343 Internship for Graduate Nurse Professional 3cr    
Total Credits = 20 credits
Total Credits = 15 credits
Total credits for Master of Science in Nursing  - Nurse Educator = 35 credit hours 

MSN - Nurse Educator Program Learning Outcomes

1.  Professional Development (Disciplinary Excellence)

  • Integrate theories from nursing, health care, education, leadership and related fields to the care of individuals, communities, education of students and patients and the practice of leadership. Essential I, VII, VIII

  • Critically assess, plan, implement, and evaluate educational experiences of learners (nursing students, staff, and clients) to improve learning and health outcomes. Essential I, VII, VIII

  • Demonstrate collaborative and inter-professional approaches in advanced clinical practice roles, research, and nursing education. Essential I, VII, VIII

2.  Intellectual Development (Critical and creative thinking; engages in research and scholarship)

  • Utilize the process of scientific inquiry, evidence-based research, and information technology to validate and refine knowledge relevant to nursing and nursing education. Essential I, II, VII, V

  • Translate current evidence in the practice setting through problem identification, systematic inquiry, and continuous improvement processes. Essential I, II, VII, V

  • Analyze trends in healthcare and nursing education and their impact on the profession of nursing, nursing education, and the delivery of patient care. Essential I, II, VII, V

3.  Social and Ethical Responsibility

  • Demonstrate a commitment to social justice and advocacy for all clients (patients and students), families and communities, including the most vulnerable populations. Essential II, VI, VIII

  • Analyze differences in cultural norms and health care practices when providing education and health care for aggregates of varied racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.

  • Incorporate knowledge of population based global health variants in provision of health promotion, maintenance and restoration and in comprehensive care.

  • Maintains an environment of academic integrity.

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