Cost of Attendance
For financial aid purposes, the Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of the total annual cost to attend Methodist College and includes both direct and indirect costs.
Direct costs are those billed by Methodist College; tuition and fees.
Indirect costs are books, supplies, transportation, personal expenses and room and board for students who live off-campus or with a parent.
Cost of Attendance 2022 - 2023 Academic Year*
Tuitiona |
$16,248 |
$19,800 |
$9,900 |
Feeb |
$1,760 |
$1,760 |
$1760 |
Books/Suppliesc |
$1,400 |
$1,400 |
$1,000 |
Living Expensesd |
$16,434 |
Transportatione |
$2,362 |
$2,362 |
$1,182 |
Miscellaneousf |
$8,070 |
$8,070 |
$8,070 |
*For tuition and fees for the current academic year, please visit Tuition and Fees
ab Tuition is based on 12 credit hours per semester for Baccalaureate and MSN-PL. 6 credit hours per semester for all other MSN programs. Tuition is based on credit hour enrollment and will vary accordingly. Fees may vary by program. Tuition and Fees are the only costs billed by Methodist College.
c Costs for books and supplies may vary by program.
d Living expenses include costs for room and board as well as personal expenses. Costs will vary depending on the individual student's living arrangements.
e Transportation costs will vary depending on the individual student's commuting requirements.
f The amount of money (estimated by the financial aid office) needed by a student to cover expenses such as laundry, entertainment and other household costs.