Methodist College | Student Nurses Association | Bylaws
Methodist College

SNA Bylaws


We, students of nursing, believe there is a common need to organize, to represent ourselves to the consumer and other health disciplines, and to assume our rightful place in the profession of nursing.

We believe every citizen has a right to the highest quality of health care.

We believe in the development of the whole person toward his/her professional role with its rights, responsibilities, and ideals.

We believe every right bears inherent responsibility. We believe responsibilities are participatory, not purely philosophical or ideological, and We believe the quality and quantity of participation are not exclusive, but bear the responsibility of participation.


Students have a right to a sound education:

  • a right to and a responsibility for having creative educational opportunity
  • a right to and a responsibility for having the highest-quality practitioner/teacher
  • a right to and a responsibility for achieving input into curriculum planning
  • a right to and a responsibility for achieving self-directed learning
  • a right to and a responsibility for achieving equal participation in all areas of clinical practice
  • a right to and a responsibility for participating in inter-disciplinary activities
  • a right to due process a right to and a responsibility for insuring peer review and self-evaluation all the rights and privileges of internal governance
  • a right to and responsibility to organize and participate in an organization directed toward achieving professional goals
  • a right to and a responsibility for facilitating change in health care delivery through various channels
  • a right to and a responsibility for assembling and exploring fundamental and current professional issues and concerns
  • a right to and a responsibility for organizing in a flexible structure to encompass and represent diversities within nursing and be representative of the fundamental and current professional issues and concerns
  • a right to and a responsibility for fostering a better correlation between nursing education and practice.



The name of this organization shall be the Student Nurses' Association, hereinafter referred to as SNA. SNA is a constituent of the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) and Student Nurses' Association of Illinois (SNAI).



Section 1.

The purpose of the SNA is:

  1. To assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest-quality health care.
  2. To provide programs representative of fundamental and current professional interests and concerns.
  3. To aid in the development of the whole person, his/her professional role, and his/her responsibility for the health care of people in all walks of life.

Section 2.

The function of the SNA shall include the following:

  1. To influence health care, nursing education, and practice through legislative activities as appropriate.
  2. To promote and encourage participation in community affairs and activities towards improved health care and the resolution of related social issues.
  3. To represent nursing students to the consumer, to institutions, and other organizations.
  4. To promote and encourage students' participation in interdisciplinary activities.
  5. To promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities, and education opportunities regardless of a person's race, color, creed, sex, age, lifestyle, national origin, or economic status.
  6. To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with the Illinois Nurses' Association, as well as the other nursing and related health organizations.



Section 1.

Membership in SNA is open to all students enrolled in Methodist College.

Section 2.

Constituent Associations

  1. The school chapter whose membership is composed of active NSNA members and who has submitted the Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status, shall be recognized as a constituent.
  2. The school chapter shall be composed of at least 10 members from a school, or the total school enrollment if less than 10. There shall be only one chapter in each school campus.
  3. For yearly recognition as a NSNA constituent, constituent associations shall be required to submit annually the Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status which shall include the following areas of conformity for active members: purpose and function, membership, dues, and representation.
  4. A constituent association which fails to comply with the bylaws and policies of NSNA shall have its status as a constituent revoked by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors, provided that written notice of the proposed revocation has been given at least two months prior to the vote and the constituent association is given an opportunity to be heard.
  5. School chapters and state associations are entities separate and apart from NSNA in their administration of activities, with NSNA exercising no supervision or control over their immediate daily and regular activities. NSNA has no liability for any loss, damage, or injuries sustained by third parties as a result of the negligence or acts of school chapters or state associations, or the members thereof. In the event any legal proceeding is brought against NSNA as a result of such acts of omission or commission by a school chapter or state association, said school chapter or state association will indemnify and hold harmless the NSNA from any liability.

Section 3.

Members of the constituent association shall be:

a. Active Members

  1. Students enrolled in state-approved programs leading to licensure as a registered nurse.

  2. Registered nurses enrolled in programs leading to a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing.

  3. Active members shall have all of the privileges of membership.

b. Active membership shall be renewable annually.

Section 4.

Active membership may be extended beyond graduation to coincide with NSNA membership expiration.

Section 5.


  1. The annual NSNA dues for active members shall be determined by the national and state organizations. The dues year for members shall be a period of twelve consecutive months. The student joins all three levels of the Association by paying National and State dues.
  2. The NSNA Board of Directors shall have the authority to change membership dues.
  3. National and state dues shall be payable directly to NSNA. NSNA shall remit to each state constituent the dues received in behalf of the constituent.
  4. Any member who fails to pay current dues shall forfeit all privileges of memberships.



Section 1.


  1. Officers of SNA shall be a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, and a Secretary/Treasurer.
  2. No student shall hold more than one elected chapter position at any time.
  3. The Executive Council will consist of elected officers and faculty advisors.

Section 2.


  1. Only students enrolled in Methodist College courses shall be eligible to run for an elected office.

  2. Any candidate for office in the SNA must maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
  3. Any candidate for President must be a senior student during the term of office. He/she must also have either served as a previous class representative for a minimum of one semester, or have served as an officer.
  4. Any officer arrested or with pending court action, with exception of minor traffic violations, during term of office will be dismissed.
  5. Any officer must be a current member of the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA).
  6. Any candidate for First Vice President must serve as a class representative for one semester or have served as an officer.

Section 3.

Term of Office

The term of office shall be one year. In the event of a student leaving office before the end of his/her term, the remaining board members shall appoint a student who meets all eligibility requirements to fill the position until the next election. The term of office shall begin after installation of new officers is completed in the spring after elections are held.

Section 4.

Duties of Officers

The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the parliamentary authority, and more specifically shall include:

a. The President shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the SNA and facilitate Executive Council.
  2. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating and Election Committee.
  3. Represent SNA and oversee all matters relating to the association.
  4. Perform or delegate duties as assigned at Executive Council meetings.
  5. Call meetings of Executive Council as deemed necessary.
  6. Appoint tellers for the annual election in congruence with NEC (Nominations Election Committee).
  7. Submit a monthly report of the activities of the office. This report shall be placed in the permanent files of the association.
  8. Assume responsibility for installation of SNA officers after elections are held.
  9. Orient the newly-elected President to duties and responsibilities of the office.

b. The First Vice President shall:

  1. Assume the responsibilities of the President in the absence or disability of the officer.
  2. Serve as the chairperson of the Bylaws Committee and NEC Committee.
  3. Perform duties as assigned by the President.
  4. Oversee the election, appointment, and duties of the student representatives of each class.
  5. Submit a monthly report of the activities of the office to the Executive Council.
  6. Orient the newly-elected First Vice President to the duties and responsibilities of the office after elections are held.

 c. The Second Vice President shall:

  1. Assist in developing activities presented by SNA.
  2. Organize SNA participation in community affairs.
  3.  Assure that notification of the next meeting is made available to all students.
  4. Serve as the chairperson of the NEC.
  5. Perform duties as assigned by the President.
  6. Submit a monthly report of the activities of the office to the Executive Council.
  7. Orient the newly-elected Second Vice President to the duties and responsibilities of the office after elections are held.

d. The Secretary/Treasurer shall:

  1. Submit an agenda for each chapter meeting to the Executive Council one week prior to meeting.
  2. Record the minutes of all chapter and Executive Council meetings.
  3. Provide a copy of the recorded minutes of all chapter and Executive Council meetings to the Executive Council within one week of the meetings. A copy of the recorded minutes will be made available to the student body. 
  4. Send names and addresses of all school chapter officers and committee chairpersons to the SNAI Director of Membership after elections are held.
  5. Act as custodian of association funds by keeping an accurate record of all financial transactions of the association.Verification through Methodist College Bursar is required.
  6. Copy and submit all financial transaction receipts to the permanent file located in the SNA office.
  7. Perform duties as assigned by the President.
  8. Submit a monthly report of the activities of the office to the Executive Council.
  9. Orient the newly-elected Secretary/Treasurer to the duties and responsibilities of office after elections are held.



Section 1.


  1. The officers for the next school year shall be elected in April. The advisor(s) are appointed by the President of Methodist College.
  2. The election shall be by secret ballot. A plurality vote shall elect. A tie vote shall be decided first by a revote, and, if necessary, by casting a lot.



Section 1.

Frequency of Meetings

The meetings of this association shall be held as determined necessary. The association shall hold at least six meetings throughout the calendar school year.

Section 2.

Special Meetings

A special meeting may be called when deemed necessary by the President, or upon request of 20% of the membership including one member of the Executive Council. Twenty-four hour notice shall be given in advance of the meeting.

Section 3.

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting shall be held in April at which time all officers and committee chairpersons shall present annual reports.

Section 4.

Quorum For all meetings of the organization, five members including two officers must be present to conduct business.

Section 5.

Delegate Representation


  1. Each school constituent shall be entitled to delegates according to the number of members in good standing in NSNA. Delegates shall be computed on the basis of the number of members in each constituent as evidenced by the annual dues received by NSNA on a date eight weeks prior to the annual meeting.
  2. Each school chapter that has recognized constituency shall be entitled to one voting delegate and alternate for the first ten members, and shall be entitled to another of each for every 50 members thereafter.
  3. The school chapter delegate and alternate shall be members in good standing in the chapter and shall be selected by the members of the constituency at the February membership meeting.


Each school constituent shall be entitled to delegates according to the number of members in good standing in NSNA. Delegates shall be computed on the basis of the number of members in each constituent as evidenced by the annual dues received by NSNA prior to the annual meeting.

Each school chapter that is a recognized constituency shall be entitled to one voting delegate and alternate for the first five members and thereafter every 15 members.

The school chapter delegate and alternate shall be members in good standing in the chapter and shall be selected by members of the school chapter.



Section 1. Executive Council shall consist of the elected officers, which are the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and the Secretary/Treasurer.

Section 2. All the powers of the association are vested in and shall be exercised by the Executive Council during the interim between meetings of the association.

Section 3. The Executive Council shall have the power to transact business, only of an emergency nature, which cannot be delayed until the next scheduled meeting of the SNA.

Section 4. Quorum The Executive Council shall:

a. Have the power to act in emergency between meetings of the Executive Council.

b. Have the power to utilize mail, email, fax, or telephone to determine a cause of action in the event the Executive Council cannot meet.

c. Present such actions to Executive Council for ratification.

d. Referendum for emergencies: In the interval between meetings of the Executive Council, business requiring immediate action may be conducted by mail, conference call, or other electronic methods. Such action shall be ratified at the next regular meeting of the Executive Council. 



All meetings of this association shall be conducted according to parliamentary law as set forth in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised where the rules apply and are not in conflict with these bylaws.



Section 1. These bylaws may be amended by posting the proposed amendments at least one week in advance of the regular meeting and with the majority vote by the members present at the regular meeting.

Section 2. Amendment to the bylaws of the NSNA shall automatically and immediately effect the necessary amendments to the bylaws of the constituent associations and shall promptly be incorporated in these bylaws.

Note: These bylaws are written to incorporate the areas of conformity required by the National Student Nurses' Association and the Student Nurses' Association of Illinois for official constituency status.

Proposals made as of August 30, 2010; Approved September 7, 2010